Project Structure

Work package 1
Operational efficiency and economic sustainability in short, medium, and long-term perspective


Work package 2
MARCLAIMED IDST: Integrated Decision Support Tool for MAR recommendations and early warning alert system


Work package 3
Co-creation of AWR strategies: social actions and EU regulatory Framework


Work Package 1
Operational efficiency and economic sustainability in short, medium, and long-term perspective
Objectives: Better operational management of MAR with AWR improving water quality, operational control, and providing operational risk assessment. Determination of current and future status of groundwater bodies forecasting the water resources availability and demands in short-, medium- and long-term perspective. Ensure the long-term economic feasibility of MAR with AWR, analyzing the benefit on groundwater resources and the economic value of water security and resilience and implementing cost recovery based systems in different climate conditions, social contexts and considering different MAR schemes.
Leader: Cetaqua
Work Package 2
MARCLAIMED IDST: Integrated Decision Support Tool for MAR recommendations and early warning alert system
Objectives: Provide accurate and reliable data and information that can inform decision-makers related to MAR with AWR to support a proactive and adaptive approach to AWR management, considering a range of potential scenarios
and contingencies. Facilitate collaboration and communication among stakeholders with diverse interests and perspectives, to promote more effective and equitable decision-making and increase public acceptance and decision-makers reliability. Promote transparency and accountability in decision-making, by providing stakeholders with clear and accessible information about the decision-making process and the factors that are being considered.
and contingencies. Facilitate collaboration and communication among stakeholders with diverse interests and perspectives, to promote more effective and equitable decision-making and increase public acceptance and decision-makers reliability. Promote transparency and accountability in decision-making, by providing stakeholders with clear and accessible information about the decision-making process and the factors that are being considered.
Leader: EGM
Work Package 3
Co-creation of AWR strategies: social actions and EU regulatory Framework
Objectives: Engage, dialogue, collaborate, and co-create with a range of stakeholders with a shared interest in addressing the challenge of adaptation of water resources to climate change (SO4). Promote social response and effectively bring social awareness, acceptance and trust in MAR with AWR (SO4). To deliver a comprehensive regulatory framework filling the gaps in the actual EU policy of MAR with AWR.
Leader: USAL
Work Package 4
CoPs-based implementation and validation at the demo sites
Objectives: To demonstrate the efficiency of innovative MAR technological tools in practice, aiming to improve water quality, optimize infiltration rates, and increase groundwater storage. To quantify the economic and financial feasibility and performance of different MAR schemes. To engage stakeholders, beneficiaries, and the CoP in MAR related decisions, increasing social perception, acceptance and trust. To provide guidance for future MAR schemes, with lessons learnt and guidelines.
Leader: LNEC
Work Package 5
Business model, exploitation, replication, and transferability
Objectives: To understand market needs as well as to evaluate the competitors and the market potential of MARCLAIMED results in Europe. To develop a business plan and commercial offer of the MARCLAIMED results, focused on water utilities, water managers, regulators, and end users. To determine scale-up potential for replication and transferability of MARCLAIMED results. To maximize impact by proper IP management. An average of 1 full-time employee is allocated to this WP, considering that a considerable amount of input for these tasks will come from other WPs.
Leader: Acacia Water
Work Package 6
Dissemination, Communication, and the Climate4Water cluster
Objectives: Produce a strategic communication and dissemination plan together with a MARCLAIMED brand. Raise awareness of MARCLAIMED objectives and achievements through digital and printed means. Engage and maintain a strong stakeholder network through a series of events. Set-up and promotion of a new climate-oriented cluster
Leader: Water Europe
Work Package 7
Project Coordination and Management
Objectives: Establish effective and ethical financial and technical management of the project. Monitor and adjust the implementation plan if necessary. Establish effective communication channels (consortium-Commission). Organize the midterm and final review events.
Leader: Cetaqua