MARCLAIMED Project Installs Reactive Organic Layers at Comporta Demo Site

On September 16–17, 2024, the MARCLAIMED team, led by LNEC and AgdA Portuguese teams, successfully installed reactive organic layers (ROLs) in two soil-aquifer treatment (SAT) managed aquifer recharge (MAR) infiltration basins at the Comporta Demo site in Portugal. This installation is a significant step towards enhancing water quality in SAT-MAR systems.
Key installation details:
- Infiltration Basin 1 was equipped with a reactive layer made of Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) (15%) and sand (85%).
- Infiltration Basin 2 was equipped with a layer containing Biochar (30%) and sand (70%).
- The ROLs, approximately 10 cm thick, are sandwiched between 5 cm of gravel layers to optimize performance.
These reactive layers were laid at the bottom of the infiltration basins to enhance biodegradation and adsorption processes, thereby improving the quality of treated wastewater as it passes through the soil.
The ROLs are designed to release dissolved organic carbon into the infiltration water, which promotes soil biomass growth. This process is essential for the degradation of pharmaceutical compounds, promoting denitrification, as well as the precipitation of iron and manganese, and the removal of pathogens.
Next Steps: The second sampling campaign of 2024 has already commenced, starting on October 3rd, and will continue on the 10th and 17th. During this campaign, the LNEC and AgdA teams will collect samples from the treated wastewater, groundwater at four piezometers, and soil water from the unsaturated zone at six different points and depths.
These ongoing efforts highlight the MARCLAIMED project’s dedication to advancing sustainable water management and improving treated wastewater quality in soil-aquifer systems.